The Biopremier BLOOD DNA extraction Kit is designed for the rapid purification of pure genomic DNA from whole blood, serum, plasma, body fluids and dried blood spots.
PCR purification/Gel extraction: Enzymatic PCR Clean-Up kit, comprising Exonuclease I (Exo I) and recombinant Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (rSAP) in an optimal molar ratio. Unused primers are hydrolyzed by Exo I, whilst rSAP dephosphorylates excess dNTPs. 100% recovery, even for very short PCR products
Purification of DNA and/or RNA / protein: for consecutive purification of genomic DNA, total RNA (including miRNA), and total protein from whole blood ad other biological fluids, animal tissues and cultured cells
Genomic DNA purification: for whole and frozen blood, serum, plasma, buffy coat, amniotic fluid, buccal swab, hair, tissue, rodent tails, ear-punches, FFPE and insect cells
Genomic DNA purification: for tissues, like tailsnips, liver, kidney, brain, adipose tissue, earpunches, insects and FFPE (available adaptation, for amniotic fluid, buccal swab, soil and stool)