
Real Time PCR Detection Kit Citrus tristeza virus

Brand: GPS
Detection test kit of all serotypes of Citrus Tristeza virus species by using qPCR. CTV causes the most economically damaging disease to the plant genus, Citrus. The virus is transmitted most efficiently by the brown citrus aphid.

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Products specifications
TechnologyqPCR / Real Time PCR/ PCR
SizesTarget: 100 reactions - FAM
Target + IC: 100 reactions - FAM, HEX
Monodose Target: 24 qPCR tubes - FAM
Monodose Target + IC: 24 qPCR tubes - FAM, HEX
Background:Detection of all serotypes of Citrus Tristeza virus species by using qPCR.
Citrus Tristeza virus is a viral species of the Closterovirus genus and consists of a single strand of positive-sense RNA enclosed by two types of capsid proteins. CTV causes the most economically damaging disease to the plant genus, Citrus. The disease has led to the death of millions of Citrus trees all over the world and has rendered other millions useless for production. The virus is transmitted most efficiently by the brown citrus aphid.

Product Features:
-Assay Mix Target composed by singleplex mixtures of specific forward/reverse primers and probe.
-Resuspension buffer
-DNase/RNase free water
- (OPTIONAL) Internal Control Assay Mix
- Mastermix solution
- Positive control
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