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Real Time PCR Detection Kit Human cytomegalovirus

Brand: GPS
Detection test kit of Human cytomegalovirus by using qPCR. Known as Herpesviridae or herpesviruses, HCMV or HCMV or human herpesvirus-5 (HHV-5). HCMV infections are frequently associated with the salivary glands. HCMV infection can be life-threatening for the immunocompromised, such as HIV-infected persons, organ transplant recipients, or newborn infants. When occoured congenital HCMV infection moost babies appear healthy at birth, but most common is developing cerebral calcification (decreasing IQ levels dramatically and causing sensorineural deafness and psychomotor retardation).

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Products specifications
TechnologyqPCR / Real Time PCR/ PCR
SizesTarget: 100 reactions - FAM
Target + IC: 100 reactions - FAM, HEX
Monodose Target: 24 qPCR tubes - FAM
Monodose Target + IC: 24 qPCR tubes - FAM, HEX
Background:Detection of Human cytomegalovirus by using qPCR.
Human cytomegalovirus is a member of the viral family known as Herpesviridae or herpesviruses. It is typically abbreviated as HCMV or as HCMV, it is also known as human herpesvirus-5 (HHV-5). Although they may be found throughout the body, HCMV infections are frequently associated with the salivary glands. HCMV infection is typically unnoticed in healthy people but can be life-threatening for the immunocompromised, such as HIV-infected persons, organ transplant recipients, or newborn infants. Congenital HCMV infection occurs when the mother suffers a primary infection or reactivation during pregnancy. Most babies appear healthy at birth, but develop signs over time. Most common is developing cerebral calcification (decreasing IQ levels dramatically and causing sensorineural deafness and psychomotor retardation).

Product Features:
-Assay Mix Target composed by singleplex mixtures of specific forward/reverse primers and probe.
-Resuspension buffer
-DNase/RNase free water
- (OPTIONAL) Internal Control Assay Mix
- Mastermix solution
- Positive control
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